Online Benefits Administration
Trust SCH&A’s online benefit administration services to make your business’s enrollment process as simple and user-friendly as possible.

When it comes time for your company’s open enrollment period, you and your employees might all be feeling the pressure. However, there are steps that you can take to make the enrollment process easier and less intimidating. For instance, leveraging SCH&A’s online benefit enrollment services is a great way to ensure that your company’s open enrollment period goes smoothly. Here’s what you need to know about SCH&A’s online benefit administration services.

Advantages of Online Enrollment
- Simplification: The complexities surrounding the benefits management process are simplified as everything is automated. Because enrollment takes place online, there is no need for paper-based processes which will improve both the accuracy and efficiency of the enrollment process.
- Reduced Costs: The cost of distributing and collecting paper enrollment packets is eliminated when you rely on our online enrollment system.
- Easy Updating: Employees will have the ability to enroll themselves in benefit programs, as well as review their benefit data and report any necessary changes in their lifestyle.
- Easy Decision-Making: Not only will employees have the luxury of choosing plans based on their eligibility, but they will also be able to compare the costs of varying coverage options through the online enrollment process. This will allow them to make informed benefit decisions.
- Improved Management: When you rely on our online enrollment service, your employees will receive automatic confirmations for elections and they will have the ability to review, update, and change their records or plans with the simple click of a button.
- Benefit Monitoring: Finally, with our online enrollment services, your human resources department can easily check the enrollment status of any employee in real-time and generate a detailed report of the cost of your company’s employee benefit programs.
These are just a few of the many advatages associated with using SCH&A’s online benefit administration services. Interested in learning more about what this service can do for your company? Then do not hesitate to contact our expert team for assistance today